Thursday, September 13, 2007

D'OH! And Double D'OH!


I shit you not (and pardon the pun). Thanks to this litter, I am now $300 in the hole and probably lost two years off my life. Well, maybe I exaggerate, or more accurately, I can be such a horrible little asshole. Because upon discovering that I was out litter, I was too lazy to shuffle my ass to Pet-Smart and buy my usual brand of commie-pinko-patchouli stink-hippie approved brand of kitty toiletry that is Feline Pine (TM), because I'm all for saving the earth and recycling and shit, but the sole reason I buy planet friendly litter is because I have an asthmatic cat.
So in hindsight, purloining some clay litter from my current border, Punky "Punks-a-Lot" Thomas, was an exercise in stupidity. I knew it was likely to give Misao a case of the wheezes...but it was just a few days, I said. I'll go and get some new litter tomorrow, I said. Well, by Wednesday, Mimi Darling had gone from the occasional sneeze to a full blown asthma attack complete with respiratory infection and fever. And it scared the pants off me.

I am such a shitty parent. Skipping a day of work, spending $300 on vet bills and using my weekend to nurse a snotty, cranky kitty was light punishment. Hell's Bells, I learned my lesson. And I say this with my most sincere Joan Crawford voice.


The good news is that Little Misao is on the road to recovery and almost back to her old self, by which I mean she's gorging on food, bullying her brother, and licking the skin off my face.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh good witty wat. Way to work mama's guilt glands.

Oh hey look, I found a picture that I think is Punky: